Day: August 16, 2021

Factors that Affect My Air Conditioner SizeFactors that Affect My Air Conditioner Size

HVAC size is everything. It can have a big impact on how well your home stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter, as well as how much you spend on energy bills. This blog post will walk you through what to look for when determining what HVAC size is right for your home hvac contractors .

Find out the square footage of your home. You might find this information written down somewhere, or you may have to measure it yourself – just use a measuring tape and add up all the measurements for each room (length x width = sqft). Repeat until every space has been accounted for then total them together blackmountainair

A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is the unit used to measure the energy consumed for heating and cooling. For example, it takes roughly 25 BTUs per square foot of your home to cool a single room; so multiply this by how many square feet are in your home to get an approximation of how much you’re consuming.

If your home has a very high ceiling, you can multiply the base BTU amount by 1.25 to find out how much more of this heat-producing energy source is needed for comfort in that space. For example: If an AC unit with 1500 square feet and average 8-foot ceilings would need about 37,500 BTUs – but if it had 12-foot ceilings instead? That same size room would require 50% more power!

Tonnage, as it relates to air conditioning systems, refers to the amount of heat required in order for one ton of ice (which is a metric unit) to melt. With this definition in mind then 1 Ton cooling capacity means that an AC must be able to cool down 130 sq ft room within 24 hours which won’t take more than 27kW strength– but what about if your living or bedrooms are 185 sq feet? The way around such high-energy needs is by selecting and installing a 2 Ton system because these require less energy due to their increased efficiency!

With the high cost of electricity, it becomes important to make a decision based on how well an AC performs. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has set up guidelines for rating these devices so that consumers know which ones are more efficient than others. Typically, higher star ratings correspond with lower power consumption but this isn’t always true as inverter series offer better efficiency at low-star ratings.

The air conditioning unit you purchase is the key to creating a comfortable environment in your home. An AC installation that includes filters, dehumidification capabilities, and other features will ensure cleaner indoor air for all seasons of the year.

There are many different features that come with an AC these days, but don’t let them distract you from the most important things. Make sure the main requirements of what your home needs have been satisfied before considering any extra features like Sleep Mode or a cleaner to keep moisture away. You may also consider options for a four-way swing, quick cool, and more if those will be helpful in meeting your specific needs.

The last and most important step is to research your payment options. It’s essential that you feel confident in the purchase of a new HVAC system for your home, so be sure to check out dealer ratings near you! A knowledgeable and trustworthy dealer with proper training will help ensure that not only do they have the right unit for your requirements but also has all the necessary equipment.

To find out how much power and ductwork you need in order to keep your family happy, consider these three variables. What are the insulation values of your house? How often does it get too hot or cold where you live? And how large is your home? These factors will help determine what size HVAC system is right for you. For more information about choosing an appropriately sized heating and air conditioning unit for your home, contact us today Black Mountain Air.